Saturday, January 21, 2006
A better image of the hotel description
If you go back (use your "Back" button in the top control bar), then click on "Dick's Photostream" to the right side of the screen. This will take you to all my photos that are on Flickr. I have a lot more I have taken on this trip but hsve not moved them to Flickr. I may put up more from this set, at least onto the Flickr site.
It was cold this morning here in the desert, only about 34 degrees outside about 08:00. It looks like it is going to warm up to be a warmer day than over the last few days. I don't know what I will do today - I have no specific plans. Maybe I'll go do some shopping, just for fun. There is a good Hastings bookstore in town.
It's starting to look strange around the salt mines with a lot of new faces around here.
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