Saturday, January 21, 2006


Route 66 in Oatman, AZ

Route 66 in Oatman, AZ
Originally uploaded by Dick Phillips.
Route 66 was known as The Mother Road and went from Chicago to the Pacific Coast in Santa Monica. The route, or "allignment," was changed many times and about 1952 it took a different route from Kingman, AZ so it no longer passed through Oatman. After driving the original road last year in our Saturn I can see why this part was dropped. This photo shows the road as it goes through town, downhill past all the business buildings. I can't imagine large trucks driving through here.

Oatman looks like a very interesting town. We may have to go through there when we head out west in the RV. I love reinactments of things like the gun battles and such.
It is a fun town to visit. I would recommend not driving your RV to Oatman unless it is pretty small. Leave it in the campground & drive your toad or tow truck up there. This is especially true about 2 1/2 miles north of town, from Gold Road Mine north a couple of miles or so. There are sharp turns on a narrow road but there are also some places where anything very long is likely to drag it's tail at the start of some of the flat to uphill places on that road.
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