Friday, July 27, 2007


My house has been "sold"

My little house in Little Mountain Estates is looking different again because something has been added to the "For Sale" sign in the front yard. It is a "Sold" sign.
Sold house 1

While we were in Spokane things finalized on the house my buyer's are selling and they wanted a couple of things signed by me. They faxed over an acceptance of the inspection report that calls for replacing a small amount of the siding at the rear of the house. We have gotten a bid on that for about $250 plus tax and it has now almost been finished. The other thing was that they would like to take possession of the house on Aug. 1st, although the sale won't close until the 10th when they get the money from the closing of the house they are selling. They also asked to be able to get into it this weekend to start painting, especially on the outside, as the weather report here is favorable for the next week or longer. I signed and faxed them back.

We decided that we should be here to see things through on this sale, plus the forecast in Spokane called for temps that could be as high as 100F starting today. As I have said earlier, Pat doesn't like hot weather and three digit readings are definitely HOT. So, we got up early yesterday, left the campground at 08:00, bought $115.75 worth of gasoline to replace what we burned driving over and were on the road by 08:20 for home. We stopped in Ellensburg about 11:30 for lunch, then turned north to cross Blewett Pass on US 97, heading for US 2. We stopped in Leavenworth at Prey's Fruit Stand for fresh apricots & peaches, then headed west over Stevens Pass. We found quite a bit of construction causing two long delays, so we wouldn't have arrived at I-5 in Everett until about 16:30 and that is rush hour. So, we turned north on SR 9 and came home the back way, arriving here at 17:07. We unloaded a few things then went out for dinner and crashed in our recliners when we got home.

This morning I got the rig unloaded, then took it to Safeway to fill the gas tank before parking it. This time it took more gas as we drove farther and crossed two mountain passes, both higher than Snoqualmie that we crossed while going over there, but we got it for $2.719/gallon so I only spent $116.50. I brought it home and washed it, then parked it in it's storage lot. I did figure our mileage and from the time we filled it just after buying it to the end of this trip, a distance of 808 miles, it averaged almost exactly 8 miles per gallon. That is not too bad of mileage for moving a house.

Speaking of houses, here is another photo of mine with the Sold sign:
Sold house 2
I will miss this house and it sure holds a lot of good memories for me. But I live only about two blocks away and have some very good friends living next door to my "old" place so am sure I will be still seeing quite a bit of it.

This sale about closes a major book in my life and Pat & I can get on with building our book of life. We have some plans for this house we live in, like adding a sun room on the SW side, fencing & landscaping changes in the back yard, etc. There may even be a trip to Hawaii this winter. For us, not the house. If I can convince Pat there is no other way to get there except by airplane. That genie hasn't built the bridge yet to drive over there.

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Hi Dick, Congatulations on the qick sale of your home.
You can now move forward with the next chapter of life with Pat.
Btw. I payed $1.32 a litre for fuel for my car yesterday.roughly 4 litres to the gallon.
Hi Dick,
Sorry I havent been by for a while. Congratulations on the sale of your house. Like you say, time for a new chapter to begin. I am so happy you have found someone to share your life with. Huggys a great companion as far as cats go, but Im sure Pat fills a much bigger place in your heart!
The pics of the gardens are amazing. I really love japanese gardens. They are so methodical and neat! Very calming.
Good deal!! Now you can really start your new life! How did Huggy do in the new RV? is she warming up to Pat yet? They will all get along soon.
Congrats on the sale Dick, and good luck convincing Pat to hop a flight to Hawaii! That (Maui) is my favourite place in the world. :-)
Congratulations on the rapid sale of your house---you have now closed that chapter of your life and moved on to making new chapters.
Congrats on the sale!!
It looks like a really nice park you live in.
I don't like hot weather either. It is supposed to get near 80 again this week. I am so glad I bought that air conditioner!!
Wow, that was relatively quick! Congratulations. I know you must be relieved.
Congratulations on the sale of the house. I guess one chapter closes and another begins.
Hope the weather begins to cool down for you ... too much heat is no fun.
Take care, Meow
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